PJP 008 | Simple Safety Solutions For Private Jets

In this episode you’ll learn three simple safety solutions you can use to reduce risk and increase safety for you, your people or family, and your private jet.

Safety success in aviation is often compared to links in a chain. When all the links in a safety chain stay connected, no accidents or incidents occur. But, when one ore more links in the safety chain break, the result can be a damaged aircraft, injured people, and/or unnecessary catastrophic loss.

Also, safety shows itself in different ways. For jet owners, safety is typically seen in budgets. For folks who charter private aircraft, safety is typically seen in who you charter with, and their safety philosophy, story, and record. No matter how you use private aviation though, you’ll enjoy a safer experience when these safety solutions are satisfied.

1.  People

Getting “the right people on the bus, in the right seats” is simply THE key to success in both business and private aviation. This is classic Jim Collins that we discussed in Episode 4 on “First Who.” When you have the right people, you get the right attitude. And, it’s attitude that leads to private jet safety. The right people also set a safety goal and relentlessly pursue it. Don’t forget, even the right people will still need your sign off and support of their safety initiatives so they don’t feel a need to shortcut safety.

2.  Processes

Safe aviation is very methodical and procedural. An industry best practice involves documenting these step-by-step processes via an Operations Manual. In addition, Safety Management Systems (SMS) further outline how your flight department and personnel should run the show. Some countries even require an SMS to enter their airspace. Finally, a safety audit will verify all of these processes are in alignment with industry best practices and everyday application in your private jet operations.

3.  Procedures

Where processes outline what to do and when to do it, procedures outline how execute processes. Think SOPs (standard operating procedures). This simple safety solution can dramatically reduce risk. Yet, even today only the elite, best-of-the-best flight operations adopt and adhere to SOPs in their everyday private jet operations. Make sure your private jet team uses SOPs to reduce exposure to risk on every flight.

Get more on these three simple safety solutions by listening to this episode. Just click the player above.

Mentioned In The Show

Safety Auditors ARGUS and WYVERN

Altitude Chamber For Flight Crews

Airplane Upset Recovery Training For Pilots

International Procedures Training For Pilots

Human Factors Training for Flight Crews

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Question For Comment:

Which simple safety solution from above do you believe leads to the largest safety margins?

Leave your comment below, on the listener line at 586-330-0802, or email me at tom (AT) privatejetpodcast (DOT) com.

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