#50 | Aircraft Overview – Falcon 2000S vs. Challenger 350

Free Report:  Falcon 2000S vs. Challenger 350 Cost Analysis.

When you utilize business aviation, chartering, leasing, or buying into a business aircraft, you’ll need to decide which aircraft matches or exceeds your expectations.

Choosing the wrong aircraft means inevitable frustration.  It feels like work managing the asset.  Choosing the right aircraft means massive value added.  It feels like an easy win.

But, how do you discover which business aircraft is right for you?

Apply three filters: Comfort, Capability, & Cost. In this episode, you’ll learn how viewing the on-demand travel aircraft through these lenses results in choosing the most suitable machine for your goals.


A cornerstone of the business aircraft experience is cabin comfort. Size, natural light, and entertainment/connectivity differentiate “o.k.” from “awesome” when traveling by air.

In addition, amenities like the flat floor (vs. a sunken “channel” in the cabin floor for walking), a galley/lavatory, and baggage capacity can complement time spent flying across the sky.

Listen to the episode to learn the comfort differences between the Falcon 2000S and Challenger 350.


Match the machine to the mission. Factors like total load, payload (with and without full fuel tanks), takeoff distance, range, and landing speed make a major difference in user happiness.Happy passengers can carry their friends/family/associates, all bags/cargo, and takeoff from, or land at small airports.

Can the airplane deliver the performance a non-expert (user/owner) expects? It depends.

Hear the capability difference between the Falcon 2000S and Challenger 350 in the episode.


Everyone funding private jet use cares about cost. It’s justifying value created for money invested in two ways: Acquisition Cost and Operating Cost. Listen to the episode where we reveal these numbers for the Falcon 2000S and Challenger 350.

Now, here’s the problem: their are MANY moving parts in the business aircraft money machine.  Overestimate residual value and hourly cost can increase.  Add incorrect charter hours and fix costs will rise. Depreciate incorrectly and big tax bills might bite into the bottom line.

In every aircraft comparison I’ve created or participated in, owners and operators were most interested in knowing the financial numbers. This helped clarify the value picture for an accurate “apples-to-apples” aircraft comparison.

How to Evaluate Any Aircraft

A business aircraft comparison is best accomplished through three actions:

  • Ask the right questions
  • See the jet in person
  • Know the (financial) numbers

Contact the Tom for help defining the right questions or scheduling a business jet viewing in person.

To clearly understand the financial numbers, contact the  Aircraft Cost Calculator (show sponsor) for real-world operating cost scenarios so you spend the right money in the right place at the right time for maximum business aviation ROI.

Mentioned in the Show

Aircraft Cost Calculator 

Your Opinion?

Which aircraft fits your mission?  Share your feedback below, or with me directly here.

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