PJP 027 | Culture, The Secret Sauce to Safety in Business, Corporate, & Private Aviation

The right culture is the key to safety, service, and continuous success for an aviation unit. But, creating the right culture isn’t easy. It takes some training, plenty of time, and tons of trust between team members.

The results can be amazing: improved attitudes, clearer communication, efficient collaboration, along with happy, engaged, and dedicated employees. All factors that reduce risk and increase value in business and private aviation.

So, what is culture? And, how can we create the right culture within our flight departments?

Culture is Here

Just this year, NBAA recognized the importance of culture by including it in their 2014 top 10 safety areas. In addition, ISBAO has been addressing culure for years in its certification processes.

Smart businesses have relied on culture to outperform their peers in various metrics from sales, income, and growth to cost, turnover, safety, and more. It’s time to apply the same proven principles and success lessons to our operations in business and private aviation. It leads to larger margins of safety. Let’s explore…

What is Culture?

By definition, culture is collective behaviors and assumptions within an organization or team. It’s a way of perceiving, thinking, and feeling that affects the way people and groups interact with each other. It rests on a belief system (values) and applies to all aspects of business and private aviation including administration, operations, and maintenance.

Specific examples are covered in the show.

Creating Culture in Business Aviation

Leaders have debated for decades about the right way to create a positive culture. Here’s some steps we’ve learned (covered in detail in the episode):

  • Leadership Sets Priorities
  • Clear Communication Is Essential (including an open mind and tolerance)
  • Continuous Commitment Keeps It Going
  • Creating Culture Takes Time, Experiences, & Results

Questioning Aviation Culture

No matter where we are on our journey with culture, asking some questions can improve all aspects of this important part of business aviation.

How’s our culture, from 1 to 10… where 1 = weak, safety compromised and 10 = strong communication & collaboration?

How can we improve our culture… from 4 to 6, from 7 to 9?

What would a culture change (improvement) look like, and how would it improve service to the principal or the company?


Business aviation organizations, like NBAA and ISBAO, believe that culture matters. Private jet owners and operators are paying for the results of an effective culture. It’s our duty to deliver them.

The right culture is the secret sauce to safety, service, and continuous success for any business or private aviation operation.


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  1. […] schedule. This is true on-demand private travel because you have full control of everything from culture to on-call and calendar availability… if you want […]