PJP 025 | The Private Jet Cabin Experience w/ Vince Restivo

When we think of business and corporate aircraft, we imagine luxury, comfort, quality, and tomorrow’s technology, today… all delivered in working order, on time, on or below budget.

These images refer specifically to the private jet cabin.  And, when it’s done correctly, passengers have a travel experience that surpasses all expectations.

In this episode, Vince Restivo discusses designing and delivering that perfect private-jet cabin interior for owners and operators of both new and pre-owned airplanes


Vince is founder and president of Addo Virtus Advisors, experts in business aircraft interiors including design, technology, and sales.  From his SR-71 and U-2 service in the USAF to the most recent Gulfstream G650, Vince brings a unique perspective to the inside of the airplane to help private jet owners and operators increase the value of their flying ventures in the area they experience most often, the aircraft cabin.

What Counts in a Private Jet Cabin?

At first, aircraft cabin design seems simple. However, a deeper discussion reveals certain aspects that necessitate consideration when designing or updating an aircraft’s interior. You’ll hear each of these important factors in the show including:

  • What is aircraft interior quality? (real, expected, and perceived)
  • How does cabin customization differ from personalization?
  • Is a demonstration (experience) flight important?
  • What OEM and Advisor partnerships matter here?

After listening to Vince cover the private jet cabin, you’ll be armed to vision, design, and purchase an aircraft interior that consistently exceeds your expectations while still balancing the bottom line.

Mentioned In The Show

Addo Virtus Advisors

Vince Restivo

Direct:  (912) 257 – 0768

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