Accident/Disaster Planning & Preparedness


Aviation in itself is not inherently dangerous. But to an even greater degree than the sea, it is terribly unforgiving…

And that’s why aviation accident/disaster planning and preparedness are absolutely necessary for owners and operators. Aviem Int’l. can help.

Aviem specializes in helping high-consequence industries, including corporate aviation, position themselves for optimal outcomes should an accident strike.

Their extensive accident response experience, post-event execution, and research/science based methods can help your organization handle any disaster defining day in your aviation timeline.

No matter your accident/disaster emergency response plan’s status, consider contacting Aviem today for an accident plan “Prep Score” … FREE for Private Jet Podcast Listeners.

Aviem Int’l. 1+ 404.881.2819

Listen to Aviem’s appearance on the Private Jet Podcast

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